January and the snuggle is real
January is a month I have always had a love/hate relationship with. I love the still, quiet introspection of winter and struggle with feelings of cabin fever as the days grow colder. The theme that I keep coming back to this month is the importance of staying awake and learning how to power down without tuning-out. How to stay with myself when the urge to hibernate kicks into full gear. It’s knowing the difference between scrolling my phone mindlessly and pausing to check-in with myself to determine what I really need to feel rested and whole?
The answer to that question changes moment to moment, this month it looks like this:
+Sitting with myself in meditation even when my mind and body are resisting.
+Building in extra time for dog snuggles and moments of pause, especially in the morning.
+Connecting with the outdoors in new ways: gazing out a window at the snow falling, or taking time to appreciate the sunset as I walk from my office to my car (where I took this picture).
+Thinking about what I do and don’t want in the year/week ahead and writing it down, without judgement.
+Choosing to chat and spend time with people who feel like sunshine.
+Daydreaming and planning future adventures. Mine include: summer camping and a trip to CA.
+Balancing body movement with body rest and understanding my need for both.
+Breaking my social media & device twitch (currently with the help of the book “Bored and Brilliant” by Manoush Zomorodi who is a muse and queen 🙌.
+Embracing the “do not disturb” setting as a vacation from my phone, or when that doesn’t work, literally stuffing it into my desk drawer until I’m ready to consciously engage again.
+Feeling into gnarly emotions and questions without the need for immediate answers or solutions.
+Reminding myself that I am a grown ass woman who can navigate her own way to happiness, without expectation or the need to please others.
What are you feeling into this time of the year?