Doing Hard Things.

One of my favorite parts of being an adult is the ability to say no to shit I don’t want to do. As awesome and freeing as this adult superpower can be, it also feels emotional and hard at times. Because at least for me, getting over my fear of letting others down, layers of expectation, and getting over myself can be a real challenge. However, the more I flex this muscle, the more I am able to live from a place that feels authentic and right to me, rather than what is expected by others or my own internal critic.  


As I gear up for a new set of personal and professional challenges this spring I keep reminding and whispering to myself “you are capable of doing hard things”. Things like:

+Allowing space and time for solitude and quiet in my days (without judgment).

+Sleeping or meditating on things before making a decision.

+Asking myself: do I want this? ...really? And respecting the answer that comes up.

+Putting down my damn phone & respecting my boundaries with tech & social media.

+Resting and binging masterpiece theater with my dogs & tea when I feel myself getting sick.

+Sending professional emails, articles, and proposals to people I respect and admire.

+Inviting those I love into my schedule and my space. Giving them my full attention.

+Saying yes to foods that make me feel good for the long haul, not just 15 minutes of chocolatey bliss.  

+Acknowledging when something feels hard, or when I’m afraid...then digging deeper to figure out the emotions behind it.

Feeling the emotions and then moving on like a Jedi master, because yes, I am capable of doing hard things and so are you. It might not get easier, but we get stronger and a little bit wiser each time we consciously choose.

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